West Islip ​
Medicare Broker

Your West Islip Medicare Info Specialist

Deer Park

Medicare is a Federal program for individuals that are 65 or over or have a disability West Islip. It is for eligible citizens and legal residents. Coverage is for The Hospital (Part A) and Medical (Part B). Drug Coverage (Part D) is obtained through private insurers. 


Your lslip Medicare Broker Offers Medicare Supplement Plans

A great solution for those individuals wanting greater flexibility with no Doctor and Hospital Networks, Also a great way to eliminate Medicare cost sharing.

Medicare Advantage Plans Available with Your West Islip Broker

Part C, a wrap around plan with coverage for Doctors, Hospitals, Medications plus Dental, Vision and Gym Memberships

Choose the Right Part D Rx Plan with Your West Islip Broker

It can be confusing. Ask your local West Islip Broker to help you find the right Rx Coverage for you.

A Local West Islip Broker You Can Depend On

We have information on the Insurance Carriers available in West Islip and you can always get us on the phone.

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