Employer Coverage Tool

Employer Coverage Tool

Many of us are continuing to work, and we get our insurance Coverage from our employer coverage tool even though we are turning 65 and Medicare eligible. Here are some things to consider. Do I Have To Go On Medicare?Maybe. The first thing to consider is Whether my...
Does Medicare Cover Medications?

Does Medicare Cover Medications?

Does Medicare Cover Medications? Yes and No Medicare does not cover most of the medications that are filled at a pharmacy. However, you can enroll in a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan, which is offered by private insurers and goes with “Original Medicare,” or...
Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement?

Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement?

What works best? Well, that depends. For starters, there is no “Better.” Since there is no one-size-fits-all plan it depends upon an individual’s personal health needs. Both plans offer coverage to help limit the cost exposure to having Original Medicare alone....
Do I Have To Sign Up For Medicare When I Turn 65?

Do I Have To Sign Up For Medicare When I Turn 65?

Some People Do And Some People Don’t. If You Are Collecting Social Security For Medicare Suppose you started collecting Kantime Medicare Social Security before turning 65. In that case, you will be automatically enrolled, and your Medicare will become active on...
What Is Medicare?

What Is Medicare?

For starters, it is a Federal Health Insurance program that came about in 1965 as a result of a Bill signed by then President Lyndon Johnson to go with Social Security. The original program provided coverage for the Hospital (Part A) and Medical (Part B) which is why...
What If I Don’t Want To Sign Up For Medicare?

What If I Don’t Want To Sign Up For Medicare?

Sign Up or Not Sign Up- Most individuals turning 65 will have to enroll in Medicare, while others may delay it if certain conditions are met. Which one are you? ​Some individuals elect to continue to work and are covered by their employer or their spouses. The size of...
What Does Medicare Cost?

What Does Medicare Cost?

Certain Parts of Medicare Have A Monthly Cost And Some Individuals Will Pay More Than Others- Original Medicare consists of Part A Hospital Coverage and Part B Medical Coverage. For most people Part A will be Free. Part B comes with a Base premium of $185.00 but some...
Can I Get Medicare Before Turning 65?

Can I Get Medicare Before Turning 65?

Yes, If Certain Conditions Are Met- You can qualify for Medicare Before Turning 65, Medicare Part A, and Medicare Part B before attaining age 65. For individuals that have a qualifying Disability, Medicare Before Turning is available. These individuals must have...
RR Medicare Provider Enrollment

RR Medicare Provider Enrollment

Medicare Enrollment Enrollment in Medicare is not something to be taken lightly. If an individual is currently covered by an employer with over 20 employees, then they don’t have to sign up. If their employer has less than 20 employees, then they must enroll in...
Health Savings Account (HSA)

Health Savings Account (HSA)

An HSA is a type of savings account that let’s you set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualified medical expenses. By using un taxed dollars in a Health Savings Account (HSA) to pay for deductibles, coinsurance, copays etc, you may be able to lower...
Medicare Advisor Mike

Medicare Advisor Mike

Medicare Advisor Mike Medicare Advisor Mike is actually a broker located in Bay Shore, NY, licensed in the state of New York (and several other states), and certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS). He has helped thousands of people transition...
Medicare Parts  A, B, C and D

Medicare Parts A, B, C and D

  Medicare Parts are divided into A, B, C, and D. Each letter designation represents a different area of medical coverage. It all begins with what is known as “Original Medicare Parts,” Hospital Part A, and Medical Part B. Hospital Part A-  It covers...
Where Did Medicare Come From?

Where Did Medicare Come From?

Medicare was created as part of the 1965 Amendments to Social Security that created Medicaid. Medicare is Health Insurance Coverage (Hospital Part A and Medical Part B) for people 65 or older, certain people under 65 with disabilities, and people of any age with End...
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